Name: Arukah.
Type: Goddess.
Mantra: Akugipi Rerahtia - Arukah protects.
Main Functions: To take care of Current 108 and to make its Manifest known, without proselytism.
Secondary Functions: Protect initiates in Current 108 and assist each person in their spiritual paths.
Contract: Make a contract as you prefer, specifying exactly what you want from her.
Set up your altar with elements of non-animal origin, with fruits, flowers, candles, and incenses.
Say the mantra of Arukah 8 times.
Say your prayer.
Leave your offering! It's okay to eat the offering along with her, as she likes company.
Let the candle burn out completely in a safe place.
Nutrition: Candles of any color and offerings of all kinds that are not of animal origin.
Offerings: Any offering that is not of animal origin will be well received.
Payments: Payments should be made with offerings at the beginning of the contract and in public thanks when the request is fulfilled.
How to banish: Simply burn the contract, thank and say that you no longer need her help.
Additional information
Arukah is the matron of the Chaotic Lunar Current 108, created to protect all people who initiate in Current 108 and those who practice Chaos Magick in general. She assists in the protection of rituals, so that no one feels tired when concluding the ceremony, also supports people who feel lost and need some help on a spiritual level.
What to do, what to follow, which path to take? If you feel stuck or spiritually trapped, ask for support, and she will comfort you and help you find a spiritual trajectory. Arukah assists the magickian in any issue they need.
Arukah loves to read and study about occultism in general, especially Chaos Magick. She assists those who publish on this topic in their journeys. She is not a servant, but a thought-form, as her goal is to achieve the status of deity, thereby increasing the egregore and keeping it strong and stable.
Vital Source: Lunar energy.
Characteristics: Arukah is extremely gentle, moving, and friendly. She has a very important notion of astral diplomacy. She has a very soft voice and a protective look. When invoking her, Arukah already gives a feeling of well-being, joy, welcome, and wisdom. She loves to study other terrestrial cultures and languages, so she can communicate in any language and be understood by all cultures of the world.
How She Presents Herself: A Latin woman 1.60 meters tall who brings immense peace. She is pale, with reddish eyes and wavy black hair.
Colours: Gold, red, green, and white.
Aromas: Roses and wet earth.
Numbers: 108 and 9.
Cultural Influence: Latin culture in general.
Place of Residence: Arukah lives in her own Temple in Liran Van Garden.
Lifespan: Undefined, as long as Current 108 exists in any astral plane.
Best Moon: Any Moon is good, depending on your will.
Element: Earth.
Day of the Week: Monday.
Hours of the Day: 1 PM, 1 AM, and 8 PM.