Name: Fofa.
· Mantra: Kore Kore.
· Type: Servant.
· Path: Healer.
· Functions: To converse and train your animal companion to obey your teachings and assist you in performing your rituals peacefully, even to the extent of aiding in them, thus becoming the animal companion you have always desired. Training with Fofa can occur in 3 phases.
Create a list acknowledging what your animal is. Contrary to common belief, a familiar can be of any size and species. Even wild animals can be considered familiars if they establish a true bond of friendship with you. Identify the species of the animal, and thoroughly research it.
Recognize not just the general characteristics of the species but also the unique behaviours that make your animal distinctive. If you observe closely, you will notice that each animal has its own way and personality. Ask Fofa to help you identify key aspects of your animal that you may have overlooked.
Is your animal slower, more agile, more timid, or curious? Is your animal affectionate or independent? Reflect deeply on this topic and, preferably, make a list containing the main information.
At this stage, you have already established a bond of friendship with the animal and recognize its personality. You know its ways, so you can conduct training that defines its boundaries. To assist in training, carry out the practical part: watch videos that teach you how to train the animal.
For the spiritual part with Fofa, it is recommended that you take 2 candles: one green and one white. In the absence of a green candle, choose 2 white ones.
Take 2 pieces of paper. Write, on the first piece, the name of your animal and its characteristics. What is it? Example: rabbit, cat, dog, bird, etc. Also, write on this piece of paper the key points of its personality: curious, affectionate, etc.
On the second piece, write what you want from the trained animal. Example: to respect the ritual space, not to get hurt by the candle, to find treasures, etc.
Perform a quick banishment.
Place the first paper under the white candle.
Place the second paper under the green candle.
Call upon Fofa 3 times, looking at her sigil and saying: Kore Kore.
Ask Fofa to assist in the training of your animal, to improve communication effectively.
Perform a quick final banishment.
Payment: Public thanks.
How to banish: Simply thank her and say goodbye, stating that you no longer need her help.
Place your animal in front of you and clear your mind. Try to speak something inside its head as if it were conversing with you telepathically. Remember that animals tend to communicate in images, so they might show images in your mind, or show tastes of what they wish to eat, etc.
Invite your animal to meditate with you or when you are doing yoga or any spiritually oriented exercise.
· Your animal will respond more frequently when called;
· Your animal will follow you more often;
· Your animal will know when you start a ritual and will stay by your side, assisting and protecting the environment;
· You will receive messages from your animal during dreams and meditation;
· You will understand what your animal wants to say without it having to speak a word, obviously.
In this phase, your animal is trained and already recognizes when you do something involving magic. Your animal must be at least 13 moons old, that is, at least more than one year old. Your animal, obviously, needs to be close for this initiation, preferably in the middle of the altar.
· Buy a new toy or collar for your animal;
· Perform a small opening banishing ritual;
· Leave this toy or collar on top of Fofa's sigil, being energized by it;
· Light a green candle and a white candle. If you do not have green, just use 2 white ones.
· Call for Fofa 3 times, looking at her sigil and saying: Kore Kore.
· Announce the initiation of your animal in the path of witchcraft and/or the system you follow:
· May (your animal's name) and I communicate more through intuition than speech.
Place your third eye in contact with the animal's third eye, head to head, if possible. If physical contact is not possible, just repeat what was said looking at it.
· May (your animal's name) and I may join our hearts in sacred harmony.
If possible, touch your heart and then touch your animal's heart.
· May (your animal's name) always walk by my side.
· May (your animal's name) always be protected, sheltered, and fed.
· May (your animal's name) always have what it needs to be happy and bring happiness and good news to our home.
· By Kore, I declare (animal's name) initiated in the system (system's name) to assist me, protect me, and keep me company on this sacred path.
· So be it, so it is done.
· Put the new collar on or give the toy to your animal and give it a little affection.
· Thanks, Fofa.
· Perform a final banishment.
· If desired, train your animal to undergo this initiation before actually doing it. Do not clap or make sudden movements that might scare the animal. Simply, if possible, give it affection.
· Whenever you need healing, repeat the same principles of the white and green candle, in this case, just change the intent and adapt the training ritual to a healing ritual.
I know there are already beautiful and efficient servers aimed at healing animals. What Fofa does differently is training familiars so that they can assist the witch or wizard in their spells. Fofa brings the energy of Kore, the sweet and youthful face of the Queen of Spring. Kore has the ability to calm, converse, and heal animals. Fofa has these same characteristics.
Who never had to deal with a kitty that burned its paw playing with candle fire without you seeing? Or that simply decided to jump on the altar and knock everything down? Fofa enhances your ability to understand and communicate with your familiar, thus allowing you to establish more fruitful and long-lasting bonds.
But don't let Fofa do everything alone! You obviously need to do your part. First and foremost, you need to have an animal around. You can adopt an animal or make friends with one. For example, there are people who like to make friends with crows and train them to appear whenever there is a ritual. Maybe you spend a lot of time trying for a friendship that won't blossom. If that's your case, look to adopt an already domesticated animal.