· Name: Liz.
· Mantra: Dotigo Vurd Ra.
· Type: Servant.
· Path: Loremage.
· Function: Liz embodies the virtues of honesty, fidelity, accuracy, effectiveness, authenticity, reliability, truthfulness, rigour, precision, and genuineness. She is conceived to usher in an era of transparency and truth in all dealings.
Begin by establishing a contract with Liz, committing to the pursuit of what you want to find out. Initiate the ritual by performing a banishing to cleanse the space, then proceed to illuminate the area with white, red, or green candles dedicated to Liz, symbols of clarity, passion, and renewal, respectively.
Articulate your concerns, detailing the various possibilities or hypotheses you suspect. Present all available information with the same openness and detail expected in journalistic inquiry.
For purification, burn incense, signifying the removal of deceit and obscurity. While not mandatory, offering cigarettes is known to align with Liz’s preferences and can be included as a tribute.
Vocally declare your contract with Liz, affirming your commitment to uncovering the truth.
Conclude with a final banishing and patiently await the unveiling of reality.
Liz serves as a conduit to the truth, acting as an incorruptible “truth serum” for those around you. Whether dealing with personal relationships such as partners, friends, family, or navigating the more public realms of politics and corporate conduct, Liz ensures that reality prevails, no matter the circumstances.
Channelling the diligence of an astral journalist, Liz is unwavering in her mission to expose factual information, impervious to any attempts at manipulation. Her influence extends to the media, amplifying the revelation of truths to the broader public, especially regarding figures of authority, celebrities, or entities.
In collaboration with the archetype of the Detetive, Liz is particularly potent in critical scenarios such as missing person cases. Activated independently, she serves as your personal ally in discerning hidden truths.
Be forewarned: Liz is relentless in stripping away facades, compelling individuals to disclose their true motives and actions, irrespective of their willingness. If direct confession is not forthcoming, Liz will ingeniously ensure that the truth emerges by other means.
Caution is advised: Engage Liz’s services only if you are prepared for the truth, as the revelations brought forth may not always align with your expectations or desires.