Name: Psi.
Type: Servant.
Path: Healer.
Mantra: Mental Health in Balance.
Find the correct diagnosis;
Assist in healing;
Alleviate mental pain;
Soothe repetitive thoughts;
Remove self-destructive thoughts;
Eliminate self-sabotaging thoughts;
Bring more mental energy to patients;
Assist and protect mental health professionals.
Whether it's an emergency or not, you can simply call her by mentally chanting the mantra: Mental Health in Balance, which you can personalize and say: MY mental health is in balance or the mental health of [FULL NAME] is in balance. This mantra was made in Portuguese to facilitate the process even further. In an emergency, no complex ritual is necessary. Your prayer and visualization alone yield the desired result. Keep the mantra in your mind whenever necessary. For more difficult cases, it is recommended to draw the sigil on the photo of the person in need of healing. You can do this using a cellphone app without any problems.
• Contract: This servant does not need a contract because often when we are ill, we do not have enough energy to write anything. It is recommended that you write your experience with her in your magic diary after your healing.
• Payment: Payment should be made by lighting white candles and making a public acknowledgment. The number of candles reflects how difficult the work was. Example: simple case: 1 candle, moderate case: 3 candles, severe case: 6 candles, miracle: 9 candles. Only pay when it has actually worked. Psi will not harm you if you forget to reward her, but she appreciates it if you do pay.
• Banishing: Simply thank her and ask her to leave your life.
Attention: Follow the instructions of your incarnated psychologist and do your best to maintain a balanced diet for your case. Exercise according to your capacity.
Additional Information
The holistic health of the magician must encompass both physical and mental well-being. Therefore, I also created Psi, to assist in correct diagnoses and psychological treatments.
Psi is the type of servant you can keep around for long periods. She draws her strength from the waters and winds, so every time it rains or is windy, she is nourished. You can also offer her glasses of water or even turn on the fan on a hot day and place her sigil there.
She can also be used in magic with fans and mirrors if the magician or witch feels the need. She excels at dealing with shadow issues. Generally, she follows Jung's treatment line, but she can change to a behaviorist or any other line if necessary. Psi also protects professionals in the mental health field.
• Curiosity: Psi is married to Doctor. You can work with them together for psychiatric cases. Psi also works very well with Cortana. If you think your case is both mental and spiritual, I recommend working with both together. Psi and Doctor have a daughter named Mel, who is a servant for beauty and motivation.