Name: Detetive.
· Mantra: Akepsurhre.
· Type: Servant.
· Path: Etherwolf
· Functions: Assist other servitors in finding their targets and aid police and justice in solving difficult and even impossible cases.
You need to provide all the details you know to assist in your search. You will also need a box, on which you will draw a magnifying glass (however you like) with the Chaos star inside, thus representing the servant's sigil.
In this box, you will place something that represents what you want to find, which we will call the search target for practical reasons. For example, if you are looking for a person, place a photo, a piece of worn clothing, a hair strand, or whatever you can/want/find. Describe the characteristics of that person: what kind of food they like, types of places they frequent, where they were last seen, the latest police case updates, etc. In short, build a "case" in this box that will aid the Detective.
Any information is valid, including newspaper clippings, printouts of conversations, etc. If available, also include personal data: address, phone number, etc. If you have nothing, describe what happened in detail, the day it occurred, etc. The more information, the better.
· Perform the banishment.
· Light red or white candles. The ideal number of candles depends on the difficulty and the number of servitors involved, so I'll leave that up to you.
· Show everything that is in the box and explain everything out loud.
· Read the contract.
· Establish your payment.
Contract: Write the contract you want with the servitor, including the deadline you want the person to be found (give a reasonable timeframe). Leave the contract inside the box and place the box in a cupboard or under your bed. Whenever possible, place the box to be energized for a few hours during the waxing and/or full Moon.
Payment: The payment should be in gratitude, and if the help is crucial and the case is difficult, he likes offerings of dog food that should be donated to street dogs or in shelters.
How to banish: You can simply cross out the sigil from the box or burn it. This should be done after expressing gratitude or if you no longer need the servitor.
Additional Information
The Detective is an astral werewolf servitor that works better in conjunction with other servitors, except for those with vampiric/parasitic characteristics (for example, The Drained). The Detective can work alone but is more active in a group, as it has the function of assisting other servitors in finding their targets (people, bodies, objects, inanimate things, fauna, flora, and places). It also serves to help police and justice, in general, to solve a difficult and even impossible case.
This servant assists you in targeting someone but you don't know exactly who the person is. For instance, if someone robbed or assaulted you and you don't have the full name, but want justice, ask this servant for help in bringing the necessary information. It can also help in finding lost spirits (assisting the Dead, for example).
Characteristics: The Detetive can transform into a wolf, a street/shelter dog, or a man, depending on the case and not the phase of the Moon. Sometimes, it's more advantageous for him to be a wolf to sniff out locations, and occasionally, he needs to be a man to infiltrate. He is friendly most of the time, but can be very temperamental when on the search for truth. He values truth and justice, therefore, he will bring you what you are looking for, but you may not like what he brings. For instance, in the case of missing persons, you might unfortunately receive the sad news that the person has died. That is, he will find whatever you are searching for. He knows how to read micro-expressions, so do not lie to him. He is also an expert in body language.
Best Moon: Any Moon is a good Moon, depending on the case and urgency.
Hobbies: The Detective keeps his reading sharp. He enjoys mystery books, especially those of Sherlock Holmes, and commonly borrows Holmes' dynamism to assist in his purposes. He is also an excellent chess player and appreciator of logic and common sense.