· Name: Randonauta.
· Mantra: Sawum Itineribus.
· Type: Servant.
· Path: Timekeeper.
· Functions: For the Erox who decides to use bots or apps to obtain random coordinates, the servant Randonauta acts as a protector who will assist in their journey and protect them from unpleasant external influences. Randonauta also aids all types of travellers, even those who did not choose their journey randomly and who have planned extensively to reach a specific place.

To work with Randonauta, there is no need for candles. Simply take his sigil and activate it in the way you think best. It is important that you clearly define what you want from him.
· Perform a brief banishment beforehand.
· State what you desire from him - protection during travel or a safe adventure.
· Define the type of adventure.
· Specify how long, approximately, you want the adventure to last.
· Define your intention (what you would like to discover along the way).
· Activate the sigil in the manner you see fit.
· Perform a brief banishment afterwards.
· Embark on your journey!
· Carry his sigil while travelling.
· Payment: Public thanks.
· How to Banish: Destroy the sigil and state that you no longer want his presence.
Technically, a Randonaut can be anyone who uses a random system and navigates by random coordinates. Within the Specular System, the servant Randonauta was created for the magician or witch seeking safe random adventures.
The magician does not need to use any app to use Randonauta; simply activate him. Request a safe adventure for your life. What would you like to experience, live through, get to know? Where would you like to go if you could randomly choose any place in the world?