Mantra: So Salekha.
• Type: Servant.
• Path: Timekeeper.
• Primary function: Finding land/house or apartment for the individual to build their home.
• Secondary functions: Protecting the land/house or apartment while it is being built or renovated, and selling land/house or apartment. Assisting in renting the house/apartment or property in general.
• Contract: Describe in the contract what you truly want from him and a deadline that is coherent.
• Evocation:
Perform a banishment before starting.
Call him 8 times.
Present your offerings.
Read the contract.
Perform the final banishment.
How to banish: Burn the contract, thank him, and say that you don't need his help.
Meet Salekah, the servant who helps find the perfect land/house. If you want to build or buy a house, this servant is perfect for you! He helps find the best land, at the best price, in the location you desire most (or closest to it).
He also protects the construction while the house is being built. If you simply want to buy a house or apartment, he also serves you! Any place you will call home, he will assist!
His secondary function is, if you want to sell your house or land, to help you do it quickly and as easily as possible. He assists with bureaucratic, construction, or renovation problems. If you already have a house or apartment and want to renovate, he helps you find materials and professionals at more affordable prices. He also helps with rentals.
• Vital source: Lunar energy.
• Characteristics: Fast, persistent, kind, loves to learn more about real estate issues, knows any earthly language and culture, and loves it when people find their homes.
• How he presents himself: As a rabbit holding a torch.
• Colours: Orange, yellow, green, and white.
• Scent: Wildflowers.
• Number: 5.
• Influential archetype: Rabbits in general.
• Moon phases: Waxing or full.
• Element: Earth.
• Day of the week: Wednesday.
• Time of day: 5 p.m.